Monthly Archives: April 2013

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  • For a husband who stays home and studies so he can take care of a sick toddler so my full attention can be with our sick baby.
  • For a friend who brought us home-made soup and biscuits and even remembered what my favorite type of chocolate is.


La Casa Lopez and their fish tacos. 


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125. For bright, fragrant flowers and 126. For friends and family who don’t give me the option of declining their kindness.


121. Doctors.

122. Amazing hospitals that get your sick baby in and out within 3 hours and make the whole experience not scary at all.

123. Zofran.

124. Peanut Butter and Chocolate.


110. For a kind husband who tells me to go to sleep and that he will stay up all night with 2 puking kids. 

111. saltines, pedialyte, chicken soup and 7-up.

112. A kind mother in law who brings me a vanilla latte when she comes by to pick up the 2 not sick kids to take to her house for the day so I only have to focus on my sick kids.

113. Netflix instant watch.

114. Laminate floors and leather furniture that are so much easier to clean then carpet and cloth.

115. Swiffer wet-jet.

116. Paper towels.

117. Disposable diapers.

118. Cleaners and machines that sanitize.

119. Sleeping sickies. 

120. Hot showers and soap. 

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107. Efficient on-site washer and dryer.

108. Nice smelling all purpose cleaner.

109. I’m extra thankful that I am not sick right now so I can take care of my sickies. 

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104. Sunshine.

105. Long naps.

106. Good friends.

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102. For Sundays. The rest, the peace, the joy of taking a break from the daily routine with the people I love the most. 

103. For Mondays. I am thankful for the return of routine, for the opportunity to work, for the clean slate, for the fresh energy Monday begins with. 


Today I’m thankful for bbq chicken on rolls and glass of dry red wine to wash it down! 

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Today I am thankful that not everything we read on the internet is true. I’m thankful God gave us the ability to reason and research. I’m thankful that God takes us where we are and not where we should be.